Monday, September 19, 2011

I hate beer but I love cooking and baking with it

So today while planning dinner, I've come to having some type of bread with it. Be it a type of banana bread, lemon raspberry(also known as Crack to friends) bread, just something to add to dinner and tonight with my chicken noodle soup I thought this hearty bread would be perfect with it and it was! I do want to Start out with stating my Co-baker was a little mean with her wooden spoon. Also learned don't take the spoon away!

I will bite you like I'm biting this spoon!


3 Cups Flour
3 Teaspoons baking powder
1/4 Cup sugar
1 Bottle of Leinenkugel's Red Lager
1 Stick of butter (a 1/2 cup if that makes you feel better)

 When you have everything it should look like this:

This makes yummy!
So a few things, I'll start with the flour, some say sifted flour makes better bread but I don't buy that.. all you do is sifted and then mash it all back together. I mix all my dry stuff and then use a whisk to "mix" my dry stuff and it does the same as a sifter but doesn't kill your hand or take 10 minutes! haha! Oh and my whisk is special because it sucks if you use it on eggs it can be seen here:
Eggs are my friends i can not beat them.
So I guess i've went over step one mix your dry stuff in a bowl but mix it really good otherwise you'll have sweet spots that don't taste yummy if the sugar isn't mixed to awesomeness.

Next we go to the beer. Now i said before i hate beer and i really really do. So i have to explain i am very picky on what i'll cook with and i've been around the block with different beers to cook with they all suck but Leinenkugel's. No they don't pay me to say that and yes i've meet the brothers and been to the brewery (totally awesome you should GO!!). I've tried different beers and some people are all I don't have Leinenkugel's in my area. I really want to say Liar but some places won't carry all of them but they are available most of the time by request. So the reason i love Lienenkugel's for cooking and baking is because it has a good beer flavor and it keeps it during the cooking and baking process. Crack it open and dump it in the dry mix.
i taste like beer always and forever!
So Now is the time to mix all that up. it's going to be lumpy and not pretty. You won't have dry lumps in it but it's still not pretty. There are two different ways you can bake this, 1 is 1 regular loaf or 3 mini loafs. I prefer mini loafs because i care to share with people. So on to the pans, you do need to grease them before placing dough in them, your choice in butter or cooking spray, I've done both and it's the same either way to me. then they should look like this with dough in them :
I feel naked!
That's better!
 Now you've got what looks like wonderfulness in a pan but it's not there just yet you need to add the Butter!! I always use salted butter it saves from adding it earlier. now you can pre-melt the butter i don't. i cut it and lay it on top so it can melt into as it cooks. You also need to have these on a baking sheet to get drips.

 Now you want to place these in a preheated oven at 375 to bake. A regular Loaf needs about 50 minutes and 3 mini loafs for 45 minutes. when you pull them out let them cool for about 10 minutes then flip out and enjoy. This is a bread that's amazing warm or if it's cooled completely it works well with cheese spreads and balls.

You wish you were eating me you know it!
So this ends Post number 2. Hope you like it. As a side Note if you like Lotte's Bow it's from her shop. Feel free to shop in there. It's paired with a headband so it will stay on her little head .

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